Have you thought about using AI to help with your Marketing as a Small Business Owner?

Even though I’m quite technically minded (that does help when I’m designing & building websites! 🤭) I haven’t really embraced the current trends as far as using AI to help in the day-to-day running of my business… So – over the Festive period, I’ve been using my ‘down time’ to do some research and experiment […]
Does your website still reflect what your business does…?

After helping several clients refresh their websites recently, I noticed a common theme appearing: “Their business had gradually changed since they first built their website – without them noticing, and now their website doesn’t reflect what they do accurately” How can I tell if my website has stopped accurately reflecting what I do? Not an […]
Should you ask for a Client Testimonial?

Setting the scene I’ve always felt a bit ‘cheeky’ asking a Client for a Testimonial, and yes I know – I can hear you disagreeing from here 😏 – but I have… But are they really worth asking for? Most people I have spoken to recently believe they are, so I thought it was about […]
“Why do you use WordPress for most of the websites you build?”

Why WordPress? It’s a question we get asked a lot – and it’s a good one… There are many Platforms out there to build your website on, so why do we end up mostly recommending (and using) WordPress for our clients? There are a few reasons – let’s take a closer look: Choosing a Platform […]